what, how and where
offers many good chances of crowning your own ichthyic dream, or simply
having a nice day. To avoid bad adventures, write to the "Consorzio
Regionale per la Tutela, l'Incremento e l'Esercizio della Pesca" (District's
Consortium for Guardianship, Increase and Practice of Fishing), Corso
Lancieri 15D, 11100 Aosta Italy, tel. +39 0165 40752 asking for the
Ichthyic Calendar. It contains all the rules to fish in Valley:
documents and so on. There are a lot of laws! If you don't want to write,
ask for it in AIATs and in the city halls. More
in details, Ayas' fishes are: 1.
Salvelinus Fontinalis, Char: minimum measure cm. 22 2.
Salvelinus Alpinus, Alpine Char: minimum measure cm. 22 3.
Salmo Trutta Fario, Trout
"Fario" minimum measure cm. 22 4.
Oncorhyncus Mykiss, Trout "Iridea", minimum measure cm.20 5.
Salmo Trutta Marmoratus, Trout "Marmorata", minimum measure
cm. 35 6.Thymallus
Thymallus, Grayling: minimum measure cm. 30 Salvelinus
Fontinalis: it has been imported from North America. It has got the
back, dorsal and ventral fin red and yellow; on the hips there are red
spots, while the ventral and pectoral fins have white borders. This
specie has adapted himself to our alpine lakes, and in theory it can
arrive to 50 cm of lenght. I've seen the capture of a 45 cm - long one,
so you can believe to the statistics! Salvelinus
Alpinus: it's an italian fish: its parents are dating back to the last
glacial era; nowadays it has artificially carried in some alpine basins,
with a great success. He prefers to stay in the deep waters, and its
belly can become red during reproduction time, even if it's less visible.
it can measure 50 cm. Salmo
Trutta Fario: a European specie, has got an excellent meat, and it's
common in many lakes in Ayas. it has got a gray - dark green back, with
bright hips. The Fario can reach three kilos of weight, but it gives a
great entertainment even if they're little. It's a kind of predator who
acts in the first hours of the morning, and at sunset. In the alpine
lakes is introduced every year, because it reproduces itself only in
rivers or torrents. finally, it can reach a meter of lenght. Oncorhyncus
Mykiss: this specie have been taken from North America. It has got a
flat shape, if compared with the Fario, and has got a caudal fin covered
by black spots; in reproduction time, it takes a pink band. It's less
exigent than a Fario, for what regards riproduction sites, and I
discovered that many exemplaries showed a lack of combativeness when
they've biten. it can arrive to measure 50 cm. Salmo
Trutta Marmoratus: it's less frequent in Ayas, specially in the lakes I
visited. It's a Fario subspecies, but it's relevant for its growing
potential: even 10 kilos, and 130 cm of lenght! It hasn't got red dots,
but it seems to have spots on the head. Briefly, it's often visible as a
Fario hybrid, but it is the most often repopulated by local authorities. Thymallus
Thymallus: an easy recognizable specie, the grayling has got two dorsal
fins, the first blak - dotted, and bigger than the other one. It needs
bright and oxygenated waters, with some stream: it's a predator, and
very sensible to water pollution. It's gray on the back, and light -
pink on the hips, rarely goes over 40 cm of lenght and a kilogram of
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